Featured Fungacide

Serenade® Opti is a biological fungicide and bactericide that works in three different ways to fight disease-causing pathogens. Stopping harmful spores from germinating, it disrupts the cell membrane growth and inhibits attachment of the pathogen to the leaf. The multiple sites of action not only create an effective fungicide, but also make it very difficult for diseases to develop resistance.

Key Benefits:

Effective Protection: Fights fungal and bacterial diseases and can be an effective addition to an integrated disease management program

Resistance Control: Uses multiple sites of action to target the disease, providing control and reducing the likelihood of resistance

Flexible Application: Four-hour re-entry interval and a zero-day pre-harvest interval make Serenade Opti an excellent tool for late-season disease problems, right up to and including the day of harvest

Exempt from MRL: Exempt from the requirements of residue tolerance for export

Integrated Management Tool: Compatible with registered products, including copper, sulfur, micronutrients, insecticides and fungicides

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Featured Fungacide


Damage Recovery Essential Nutrients